
All-on-4 is a dental implant technique used to replace a full arch of missing teeth with just four dental implants. It is a popular and effective treatment option for patients who have lost many or all of their teeth and are looking for a more permanent and stable solution than traditional dentures.

The All-on-4 technique involves the placement of two dental implants at the front of the jaw and two dental implants at the back of the jaw, which are angled to maximize support and stability. The implants are then used to secure a fixed denture that is custom-designed to fit the patient’s mouth and provide optimal function and aesthetics.

The All-on-4 technique offers numerous benefits over traditional dentures, including improved stability, comfort, and function. The fixed denture is more secure and stable than traditional dentures, allowing patients to eat and speak more confidently. It also eliminates the need for messy adhesives or removal for cleaning, making it a more convenient and low-maintenance option.

The All-on-4 technique is typically performed in a single day, which means that patients can leave the dental office with a new set of teeth in just one visit. The treatment is minimally invasive and typically requires less recovery time than traditional implant procedures.

If you are considering the All-on-4 technique, it is important to consult with a qualified and experienced dental implant specialist to ensure that you are a good candidate for the procedure and to develop a personalized treatment plan that meets your individual needs and goals.